Anxiety & Trauma Therapy For People With ADHD (and without)
Treating the past so you can enjoy the present.
Exclusively online therapy and telehealth in Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, and Indiana.
“The past is never where you think you left it.” - Katherine Ann Porter
Which results in mistakes being repeated.
It’s easy to try to ignore the past. But, unless you deal with it will invariably affect your present or future without dealing with it.
Sometimes the past requires you to move beyond the Bandaid approaches you may have used in the past that didn’t fully work and instead dive deeper to achieve long term results.
Together we’re going to work on treating the past in therapy so that you can be free from it.

I’m Shana, and I understand that therapy can be scary - especially if it didn’t seem to “work” in the past.
Together, we will build on the skills you’ve already fought to acquire, and work through things at a deeper level, so that you can actually apply everything you’ve spent years learning and feel freedom from anxiety, stress, depression, panic, past trauma and ptsd.
I promise I won’t just placate, mirror what you just said, or always say, “tell me more about that”. We will be just as likely to laugh as to cry in sessions. And we’ll create a game plan to process the past so that you can move through it.
We will build upon your skills to cope with everyday stressors as well as the past pains. And we’ll create a project (or what I like to refer to as easy homework) for you to work on between sessions so that you can make steady progress.
Anxiety Therapy
Your pulse starts racing. Your breath gets shallow. Your stomach feels like it’s in knots and you’re about to throw up. You’re nervous. You’re looking around and not sure what’s wrong. It’s anxiety, and we can work together in anxiety therapy to treat the root issue and strengthen your ability to cope.
Trauma Therapy
You may have had a something bad happen to you but people have endured worse so why is it still affecting you? It was a “small” thing, it shouldn’t affect you like this. Or it was a “big” thing but you’re strong - it shouldn’t affect you. So why do images pop into your mind? Why do you feel that it’s affecting your relationships, career, and happiness? We can work together in trauma therapy to get through this so you can finally feel free of past traumas.
ADHD Therapy
You were the kid who jumped around or daydreamed your class away. You were the jokester or the one who was terrified to speak. You’ve gone to “normal” therapists and they either can’t keep up with you or think medication is the only answer. Feel validated, heard, and “normal” in therapy meant for an ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) brain.
Therapy may be great for others but you may be thinking…
It’s Hopeless
You may be thinking that you have tried “everything” and that “nothing” works. You’ll always feel this way so why even bother? However just like every fingerprint is different so is every therapist. Maybe you just haven’t found your right therapist who meets you at your level and you’re comfortable with.
I’m not “that bad”
Your mother, sister, friend, cousin, etc. has it worse than you. Therefore, why should you invest your time or money on making yourself better when you’re doing better than them?
There is no qualification on how “bad” you need to be to get therapy. It’s ok to get therapy just to feel better than you do right now. Sometimes you may just need a few sessions to get a few skills and other times it may be longer.
Therapy is a waste of time - I’m only here because __________ forced me to come
Well, if you’re coming to therapy and you can’t see one way that it would benefit you then yes, you’re correct. Therapy isn’t for you.
But if there is any part of you that thinks even a little part of therapy can help you, then what can it hurt to do a FREE consultation?